martedì 15 aprile 2008

Mongolian Dance-Joy by Joway

Dai dance 竹舞 Bamboo dance

Mongolian Dance


Spirit Dance

lunedì 7 aprile 2008

A performance merging dance and biology

Pilobolus dance company members Otis Cook and Jennifer Macavinta perform the sensuous duet "Symbiosis." Does it trace the birth of a human relationship, or the co-evolution of a pair of symbiotic species? That's left for you to decide. Gorgeous, organic choreography blurs the boundaries between the two performers, who use the body's own geometry to lift, move and combine. The music, recorded by the Kronos Quartet on Nonesuch Records, is a compilation of works: "God Music" from Black Angels by George Crumb, "Fratres" by Arvo Part, and "Morango ... Almost a Tango" by Thomas Oboe Lee


domenica 6 aprile 2008